菁英國際語言教育中心榮獲美國ETS官方授權成為「TOEFL iBT」和「GRE」正式考場(考場編號:STN12283A), 學員可享「原場考照」之福利。

新TOEFL聽力重點及答題技巧 Part 1

新托福聽力考試總共有6到9個聽力內容,共34道題。托福聽力主要是考三種聽力技巧: A.基本訊息理解能力(Basic comprehension: main ideas and supporting details)B.語用理解能力(Pragmatic understanding: function questions and stance questions)C.信息關聯能力(Connecting questions: organization questions and content questions)
A. TOEFL基本訊息理解能力

  • What is the main idea of this talk?
  • What are the students mainly talking about?
  • What’s the purpose of the student’s discussion with the professor?
  • What is the conversation about?
  • Why does the professor want to talk with the student?
  • According to the professor, what is the main problem with the student’s assignment?
  • Why was the past month so busy for the students?
  • Why doesn’t the student go back home more often?
  • When is the paper due for those not writing a rough draft?
  • Where does the accommodation officer advise the student to find a flat?
  • In which field is the student planning to do an internship?
  • How long has the professor been a university professor?
  • How is studying in Japan and America different
