菁英國際語言教育中心榮獲美國ETS官方授權成為「TOEFL iBT」和「GRE」正式考場(考場編號:STN12283A), 學員可享「原場考照」之福利。

新TOEFL聽力重點及答題技巧 Part 2

上一篇講到托福聽力主要是考三種聽力技巧: A.基本訊息理解能力(Basic comprehension: main ideas and supporting details)B.語用理解能力(Pragmatic understanding: function questions and stance questions)C.信息關聯能力(Connecting questions: organization questions and content questions)。這次會跟各位分享TOEFL聽力語用理解題和關聯信息題。

B. 語用理解題包括功能題(Function questions)和立場題(Stance questions)。TOEFL聽力考試裡的功能題主要是測試考生對於說話目的的理解。例如:道歉、建議、批評等等。托福裡的立場題是考驗考生對於說話者態度的理解。以下為各位列出TOEFL聽力常出現的題目:
- What does the woman mean when she says: “It might not be a bad idea to get together and compare our lecture notes before the exam”?
- What’s the student’s attitude toward the people he currently works with?
- What does the professor mean when he says: “At least that’s what the newspapers reported”?

托福聽力裡的關聯信息題包括組織關係題(Organization questions)和內在關係題(Content questions)。這主要是測試TOEFL考生對整個對話內容的理解能力,包括總結和利用已知的訊息來做推測。例如:
-    How does the student organize his ideas when he discusses with his classmate?
-    What will the professor probably talk about with the student next?

